The Belounka River is characterized by a wide, clear, and friendly riverbed, suitable for everyone. Beginners, the elderly, experienced gurus, and families with young children can all swim here. Everyone will be fascinated by the environment. You will be amazed by the diversity of the surrounding landscape, which alternates between small meadows and spacious pastures, giant rocks rising to the surface, and passing through deep Kšivokrat forests. Along the Belounka River, there are also the ruins of Karlshtein Castle, Kusivokrat Castle, Tijov Castle, and Ribshtein Castle.
From Chrast near Plzeň to Zbečno and Karlštejn
The Beloúnka River can be navigated in the section between Plzeň and Prague, often starting in Chrast u Plzeň and ending in Zbečno or extending to Karlštejn Castle. One of the most beautiful rivers in the Czech Republic, it is diversified by many weirs, but only some of them are culverted and most are impassable. In the section from Plzeň to the confluence with the Vltava River, the river has a very gentle gradient and is mostly a gentle flow with difficulty ZW C. The Belounka River is not dangerous even if the water level is somewhat high, but use caution! The danger increases as the water column gets higher, especially around weirs, which should not be taken lightly. Floating up and down cylindrical or right-angled weirs is a very dangerous and risky practice, as the water quietly disappears into the pool, forming a strong cylinder (backwater) under the weir. Do not be overconfident in your abilities; in 2015, a young man paid the price at the Chira weir near the village of Skrye.