Are you moving house? Then this article is for you. Together we will look at the secret to properly arranging your furniture so that the beneficial energy known as “chi” can flow through your home undisturbed. According to Chinese wisdom, this essence is ubiquitous and its quality affects our health.
So let\’s get inspired. Call yourself a residential architect and design your new home according to the ancient art of Feng Shui. There are two basic schools known, but we will focus here on the universal Pa-Kua zone system. All you need is a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Sit down and follow the step-by-step instructions below. Together, we will create a compass that will serve as a practical tool.
1. Draw a square as a floor plan of your apartment. If your rooms are different shapes, use squares for simplicity. Describe each zone in turn. Each zone is an area divided by a suitable orientation for a particular activity. Once you have completed all the steps and understand how the system works, you can repeat the process again, this time in the form of an actual floor plan.
2. divide the square into 9 equal parts using vertical and horizontal lines.
3. mark the center where all energies are concentrated and harmony reigns.
4. mark the remaining squares according to the direction (south, southwest, northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast).
5. associated with the element of fire.
6. southwest is the space of relationships and love and belongs to the earth element.
7. west signifies fun and is suitable for children\’s rooms.
8. If you are looking for support from a helper or mentor, go to the northwest.
9. Career and business belong to North, and a desk in this direction will facilitate business.
10. northeast brings wisdom, and this part of the house should belong to education and self-development.